
Showing posts from September, 2018


Vamos a Puebla

Wednesday, 26 September, 11am On Sunday I left Mexico City and traveled for 2,5 hours east to Puebla. The bus was super comfortable, even with a screen with a movie playing :D. When I arrived I was picked up by Pepe. Pepe is the uncle of George. I got fully immersed in the family life as we went to the sunday familiy reunion at one of the grandparents. I had some nice food and we played a card game that they call ´Schnauz´. It was intoduced to them by a german friend and after a while I identified the game as ´Schwimmen´ (31?).  I was surprised to hear that in Puebla there are a lot of german companies, like Volkswagen, Audi and Thyssen Krupp. That is why there a re living quite some germans here and some Poblanos speak a little German. I am staying with Pepes Family: Sandy (Wife of Pepe), Juan Carlos (Son, 16) and Fer (Daughter, 12). The house is really, really nice and I feel very welcome here. So the week is organized in way that every day one of the uncles or aunts of Georg...

I'm here! (Photo-update)

Saturday, 22 September, 20.30 So I'm writing this post from my phone because I haven't managed to go to an Internet cafe yet. Most of the pictures I took are on my camera, so they will follow on a later point. B&B ´El Colibrí´ Well.. I don't know where to start because there have been so many impressions in those 2 days I have been in 'Ciudad de Mexico'. But maybe I start from the beginning. After a hard goodbye from Marty I was ready to go on my plane. But the plane wasn't ready so the flight got delayed by nearly 3 hours. But once we took off the flight was very calm and nice. I watched the movie 'Coco' which is about the ' Dia de los muertos' (Day of the dead) which is a big holiday in Mexico. I can really recommend the movie! When we landed in Mexico everything went really quick, I got my tourist visa and my backpack and found a taxi that brought me to the B&B. When I arrived there I got a warm welcome from Omar, who is runnin...


Now I am sitting on the couch in Utrecht and tomorrow I will be in Mexico City! I am really exited and happy about that. I am also a bit nervous about leaving my friends, family and boyfriend behind for 3 months, but I am sure time will fly!  I have a plan for the first month of my travels. I will stay in Mexico City for 3 nights and probably sleep and take my time to arrive and eat Tacos,Burritos and all the local food I don't know about yet! Then I will take a 2 hour busride to the city of Puebla. There I will stay with the family of my friend George. As it seems they have already a whole plan for me, everyday I will meet another family member and they will take me on trips. I am really exited to get a taste of the Mexican life! I will stay there for about a week and on the last weekend of september I will make my way to Nautla.  There I will stay with the foundation of Ricardo Yepez. They are a organization to protect sea turtles and other (marine) wildlife. For now I pl...

The adventure continues...

Ich mache mich wieder auf den Weg zu einem kleinen Abenteuer und will dies gerne wieder hier festhalten. Der letzte Eintrag ist jetzt 5 Jahre her und es hat sich einiges getan. Unter anderem auch mein Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis, der jetzt bunt gemischt Deutsch, Niederländisch und Englisch spricht und versteht. Da die Mehrheit aber Englisch verstehen und lesen kann werden die Einträge nun auf Englich geschrieben werden. Für den Fall der Fälle gibt es eine Übersetzungsmöglichkeit: oben links unter "Translate" Deutsch auswählen und eine (mehr oder weniger gute) Übersetzung angeboten bekommen :) Wer gerne Email-Benachrichtigungen zu neuen Einträgen haben will, kann dies tun durch auf den Button "Subscribe" zu klicken und die Emailadresse dort zu hinterlassen. Viel Spaß beim Lesen! 🐢🐢🐢 In exactly a week I will be on the Airplane leaving Amsterdam and going to Mexico City. Once I arrive there at around 7pm (-7h your time) I have nearly 3 months ahead of me to ...