Vamos a Puebla
Wednesday, 26 September, 11am On Sunday I left Mexico City and traveled for 2,5 hours east to Puebla. The bus was super comfortable, even with a screen with a movie playing :D. When I arrived I was picked up by Pepe. Pepe is the uncle of George. I got fully immersed in the family life as we went to the sunday familiy reunion at one of the grandparents. I had some nice food and we played a card game that they call ´Schnauz´. It was intoduced to them by a german friend and after a while I identified the game as ´Schwimmen´ (31?). I was surprised to hear that in Puebla there are a lot of german companies, like Volkswagen, Audi and Thyssen Krupp. That is why there a re living quite some germans here and some Poblanos speak a little German. I am staying with Pepes Family: Sandy (Wife of Pepe), Juan Carlos (Son, 16) and Fer (Daughter, 12). The house is really, really nice and I feel very welcome here. So the week is organized in way that every day one of the uncles or aunts of Georg...