Mayan temples and goodbye Mexico
23 November, San Jose, Costa Rica Yesterday I I left Merida to make my may to Mexico City and from there to San Jose. I was not feeling so well and the two hour delay of my second flight didn't really help to lift my mood. But then, when I stepped into the my Uber at 12.30 am and the driver was just the the perfect version of a friendly, happy Tico, and I saw the lights of this cosy city between the mountains, I had the kind of feeling that I am coimg home. After a few hours of so-so sleep in a dormbed I woke and felt exhausted. I think my body and mind are just starting to cope with alle the different things I did in the last two month. So I decided to get out of San Jose by tomorrow and just make my way to the beach- Playa Samara, the beach village close to the turtle project I was working in 5 years ago. Now I am looking forward to my private (!) room and some days of relaxing. But first I need to catch up a bit with my last week in Mexico. I ended the last post with my trip...